
Dostępny wkrótce

Pobierz specyfikacje

Obraz podglądu może różnić się od rzeczywistego produktu.

Minimalne zamówienie
25 kg (worek)
Stan magazynowy
Not available

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Opis produktu

Erythritol is a natural, low-calorie sweetener that is ideal for use in food and beverage production. It features high thermostability, making it suitable for processes that involve heat treatment, such as baking and beverage production. Erythritol has high solubility in water and is stable across a wide pH range (3-7), which makes it a versatile ingredient for various food applications. With a sweet taste similar to sugar, it offers a healthy alternative without additional calories.

Aspekty techniczne

Erythritol is a white, crystalline powder with 99% purity, virtually odorless. It is highly soluble in water (1 g/mL at 25°C) and resistant to high temperatures, making it suitable for high-temperature production processes. The product is stable within a wide pH range (3-7), ensuring its safety and effectiveness in various manufacturing environments. It meets international quality and hygiene standards, making it a suitable ingredient for food and pharmaceutical industries.


The storage period of Erythritol is 36 months. The bags should be stored away from sunlight and in an odor-free environment. Low humidity is recommended for storage to minimize the risk of clumping or degradation potential.


Foodcom supplies its Business Partners with Erythritol in 25 kg bags.

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