Strona główna
- Fosforan Jednowapniowy (MCP)
Fosforan Jednowapniowy (MCP)
Dostępny wkrótce
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działem logistyki pod numerem telefonu +48 577 494 140.
Opis produktu
Monocalcium Phosphate is a high-quality source of bioavailable phosphorus, produced by reacting phosphoric acid with calcium carbonate. It plays a critical role in animal nutrition by supporting bone and tissue development, proper metabolic and nervous system function, and enhanced immune strength. In industrial applications, it is valued for its stability and versatility, making it suitable for fertilizers, ceramics, and various chemical processes.
Aspekty techniczne
Monocalcium Phosphate comes in the form of free-flowing powder or small granules of white or grayish color. It is easy to mix with other raw ingredients. The product is responsible for the correct development of bones and tissues, the proper functioning of the metabolic and nervous systems, as well as enhanced productivity and immune strength.
The shelf life of Monocalcium Phosphate is 24 months. The product should be stored in a dry and cool place.
Foodcom supplies its Business Partners with Monocalcium Phosphate in 25 kg bags.
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